Saturday, January 14, 2012

longboard pintails.

i found this little video on pinterest the other day and i just love it.  i can't get the song out of my head.  the song is called "the swimming song" by vetiver.  it goes together with the video so perfectly and reminds me of long summer days growing up in tennessee.  

if this doesn't make you want to take up skateboarding, then i don't know what would.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

snow is so quiet.

this holiday we found ourselves in northeast ohio to visit family and there is nothing like a good white christmas.  it didn't actually snow on christmas day, but two days after we received a nice 4 to 5 inches of wonderful, quiet, and somewhat damp snow.  there is something so calming about walking about in the woods as the snow falls softly onto tree branches and fallen leaves.  that is something we do not get to much of here on the coast of california.  happy new year to all and i hope this year brings many good returns.

all photos taken by sarah c.